French Country Life Travel Memoirs
In this engaging ode to adventure, Christopher Strong/Director/Videographer/Host
of the"Bicycle Gourmet's Treasures
of France"show, spills all the beans.
Recounting how his dream of cycling through the French countryside became a reality.
And how that dream morphed into the reality of "Treasures of France." A dream for all to share.
You'll meet the people of all nationalities/lifestyles who made, and continue to make
"Bicycle Gourmet's Treasures of France" a portrait of humanity at it's best.
Their stories, plus Christopher's anecedotes and observations, will give you a deeper,
authentic sense of French country life. Leading you to discover why
living in the French countryside is such a universal dream.
Download FREE sample chapter - "My Date with Yves Montand"